
Delphie Joy

Lettering Artist✨Surface Design✨Creative Mentor (she/her) 🤗 A warm, creative hug 👩🏻‍🎨 Helping you reignite your creativity through play + self expression 💃🏻 Mother of 4

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When I should be doing laundry... A tale.

At first, having my office next to the laundry was a good idea. Working from home meant that I could easily do washing in between client calls or whilst working on logotypes. However, now, my office is 100% an art studio and well, when I walk downstairs to do laundry, often the paints call my name... "Psst Delphie... Can you hear us? Come, join us in here... you MUST paint!" So, I duck my head into the room, ahh, it feels comfortable here, warm, at home. I sign. Then I get the urge. A big...

It was 10.15pm before I left the set-up for the school fete. I was one of the last four people there, prepping for the next day. Another volunteer said, ‘It’s a bit addictive doing community work, isn’t it?’ And, Reader, nothing has felt so accurate (except that reel where that person can't find the end of the sticky tape... that was spot on?) It isn't unusual for me to put my hand up 🙋♀️ to help where I can, and I almost always end up doing more than I signed up for. But I never leave jaded....

Hand colouring in a sheet that is the self soothing action plan.

Hey Reader, Last week I had a pretty mammoth anxiety episode. It wasn't enjoyable (**um, obviously**), but coming out the other side, I quickly reflected on the toolbox I had to help me through an event like this. I have learnt that mental health isn't the absence of having crappy things happen to you; it's being as equipped as possible to reach for your action plan when an emergency strikes to help you recover as quickly as possible. Also, while our society has created a narrative that we...

Dearest Reader, Last week I realised I had been running my Permission to Play Members Group for a whole 12 months. Wow!!🤩 A whole year of this beautiful community group! I'm so proud of us all! To all the folks inside the group who have joined and shown up for yourself, your community and your creativity, what a treat it has been to share this space with you. If you have been wondering what this group is that I mention when I email, PTP is a space for: ✅ revitalising creativity ✅ observation,...

Beginning something new is hard, right, Reader? But why-o-why is it like this? Over the last week I’ve been working very solidly on a uni assessment and whilst I’m not new to writing, I am new to research journals and academic scientific writing. I won’t lie, I’ve had several meltdowns and sadly a few migraines thrown in the mix. But that’s not what this email is about. Stick with me! The thing I realised, on reflection, was that all the confusion at the start, all the stress and uncertainty,...

Hey Reader, What do you do when you are a 43 year old about to blow your top at your children who have pushed every single button you have at the end of the school term break??? (OK, okay, you might not fit this **exact** demographic, but the question is relevant - how do you cope with frustration/stress?) Weekend stress relief session. I wanted to share a moment from this past weekend when I found myself retreating to my studio to deal with some parenting frustration. It's been such a...

EEEKKKKKK! I am presenting a 3 hour workshop at the ATypI conference in Brisbane on Tuesday 16th April - that's next week, Reader! Are you attending? It is an international typography and lettering conference and the first time it's been in Australia! Grab your tickets to the full in person event here. So many amazing presenters will be speaking and there is a full day of workshops you can attend as well. I am presenting a working on, you guessed it, play! I can't wait to hang with some cool...

Reader, how often do you stress over possible missed deadlines or feeling like you're not measuring up creatively, to your expectations or those you think others have of you? Here is a piece I worked on about not being enough and how I was a professional at this! haha! It's a common struggle I know too well and I wanted to send this gentle reminder to you tonight: show yourself the same compassion you would show a child and start to rethink how you view your creative process. I have a DONE...

Hey Reader, Do you feel like me? I keep seeing emails in my inbox that I don't want to read and quickly swipe to *move to trash*. Why, because they aren't addressing things I care about, I have moved on, some things just feel, well, trivial. In the whirlwind or, more likely, the gigantic storm of life's tough moments, finding joy can seem like a radical act—a rebellion against the chaos that is enveloping us. But hear me out. Finding joy, even when the world feels heavy, is a reminder of our...

Hey, hey, Reader! I know, I know, totally my bad, and honestly, the school holidays, the extreme heat and the horrifying genocide in Palestine have all consumed a huge amount of my time the last 6 weeks, bbbbuuutttt today I have made time to sit down and email you, Reader, because you matter and I don’t want you to miss this excellent event! #therearestillgoodthingsintheworld ***OK, the Typism Summit is THIS WEEK!!*** (I want to insert that Kermit the Frog GIF but let's stay focused) So, to...