Attending ATypI next week?

EEEKKKKKK! I am presenting a 3 hour workshop at the ATypI conference in Brisbane on Tuesday 16th April - that's next week, Reader!

Are you attending? It is an international typography and lettering conference and the first time it's been in Australia!

So many amazing presenters will be speaking and there is a full day of workshops you can attend as well.

I am presenting a working on, you guessed it, play! I can't wait to hang with some cool kids for the day and get a bit messy and creative with mark-making and letter creating!

It certainly is a privilege to be able to attend a conference like this, and to be part of it is huge, I don't think I have given myself the time to reflect. It has been a very busy start to this year with my new and demanding study schedule. However, I am so excited about what I am learning and I can't wait to share more with you.

One more thing...

I want to share with you tonight, is to make time for joy. I don't mean hours a day, I mean, find the tiny glimmers in your day, the leaves changing with the season, the taste of your morning coffee, the light when it's almost dusk, the feeling of grass under your feet or the shower washing over your head, the song that gives you goose bumps, the excitement of mixing paints or care in writing a note... whatever it is that sparks that little fire inside you, hold that, just for a moment and savour it. Those savoured moments stack up for us and help build us up when we are faced with the far bigger challenges of life. Let me know what your glimmers are if you care to - hit reply <3

Until soon.

With Kindness,
Delphie Joy xox

PS: whenever you are ready, we have a spot for you in the Permission to Play Members group. We have live creative sessions every 2 weeks online. If you want to know more and have a free trial, hit reply and let me know.


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Delphie Joy

Lettering Artist✨Surface Design✨Creative Mentor (she/her) 🤗 A warm, creative hug 👩🏻‍🎨 Helping you reignite your creativity through play + self expression 💃🏻 Mother of 4

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