When I should be doing laundry... A tale.

At first, having my office next to the laundry was a good idea.

Working from home meant that I could easily do washing in between client calls or whilst working on logotypes. However, now, my office is 100% an art studio and well, when I walk downstairs to do laundry, often the paints call my name...

"Psst Delphie...
Can you hear us?
Come, join us in here... you MUST paint!"

So, I duck my head into the room, ahh, it feels comfortable here, warm, at home.

I sign.

Then I get the urge.

A big piece of beautiful hand-made watercolour paper asks to be painted on, so of course I say yes.

How could I not?

Oh, but the shirts, the socks, what about the pants... "I'll be right there I call".

Maybe I can do a few charcoal marks on this piece, then I will go.


How about some ink, and yes, some paint. I'll mix a green first.



This was created!

***You can watch a little WIP clip over on my Instagram***

Here is the thing. We often follow the SHOULD in our days:

  • should do the laundry,
  • should pay the bills,
  • should clean the floor,
  • should work hard,
  • should be productive etc... and yes, many of those things we do eventually need to do, but sometimes, just sometimes, if we allow ourselves to answer the call to the MUST in our lives, we open ourselves up to magic.

This is the first time this concept has become evident to me in such a profound way. I had read, Elle Luna's book The Crossroads of Should and Must several times over the last 15 years, and it's helped me move to the path I am on now. But this was a more specific experience. (Maybe ADHD played a part.) I followed the must, and I am very happy I did.

Reader, do you have times when you are being pulled in a direction, but all the shoulds are leading you away?

People I have worked with often say, "I wish I could paint or play more, I wish I had time to be more creative, I loved art as a kid"... I get this: it is hard today to make time for these moments. But that is what we do inside the Permission to Play group. We create a space that makes creativity and play easier to attain. We provide a container for exploration. So when the art does call, it's easier to dip in and find the magic.

Whenever you are ready, come and check us out in the group. If you have a question, hit reply, and I will be happy to help!

Until next we chat, I wish you a beautiful, creative and joy-filled week.

With Kindness,
Delphie Joy xox

Reader, I know you are busy, I haven't wanted to bombard you with meaningless emails lately, as the world has enough noise. But, the offer to come check the group out is genuine. Just this week, one of the members sent me this lovely message:

"I love these groups so much and I feel so lucky to be a part of them. There’s so much I want to do with art, and you have just created this space where it all becomes possible. Thank you for your dedication to the practice and the mastery. It’s so inspiring!"

Hit reply if you are keen to come and take a look around xox

Delphie Joy

Lettering Artist✨Surface Design✨Creative Mentor (she/her) 🤗 A warm, creative hug 👩🏻‍🎨 Helping you reignite your creativity through play + self expression 💃🏻 Mother of 4

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