Connection and Sandwiches?

It was 10.15pm before I left the set-up for the school fete. I was one of the last four people there, prepping for the next day.

Another volunteer said, ‘It’s a bit addictive doing community work, isn’t it?’

And, Reader, nothing has felt so accurate (except that reel where that person can't find the end of the sticky tape... that was spot on?)

It isn't unusual for me to put my hand up 🙋‍♀️ to help where I can, and I almost always end up doing more than I signed up for.

But I never leave jaded.

I think community work is just, well, completely my jam!

And why?


I love seeing people come together. I love seeing people feel part of something bigger than themselves. Connected and contributing.

I'm sure that’s why I’ve loved running creative play workshops and the Permission to Play group so much.

This week inside PTP, we have had some really inspirational conversations about art and creativity, art therapy, and perfectionism. Some folks have been sharing wonderfully intricate parts of themselves, which makes me feel so heart-filled.


And it's not just my genuine love of connection that is important here. As I currently undertake my postgrad studies in Mental Health and Neuroscience, more toppings are added to the sandwich (jam reference from earlier, was that clear? haha).

In my research, time and time again, I am exposed to complex studies on the essential, **actually vital** need for us to connect with others and feel connected within ourselves.

Connection is one of the most significant protective factors for mental illness.

There are so many ways for each of us to foster a sense of connection, and of course, creative play and connection are like a full serving (maybe jam and peanut butter?)! Not only are you connecting with others meaningfully, sharing a space where everyone has permission to be playful and create without fear of ridicule, but you also get to be active in your creativity, making things and building on skills that spread far beyond your art practice.

We have recently had some wonderful new folk join the community, each bringing their own energy to the group. I just know the multifaceted benefits of connecting to a community like this and I would love to have you try us out!

We have our next live session this Sunday night at 7.30pm AEST online via Zoom. If you are ready to give it a try, hit reply with “PLAY” and I will send you the zoom link. Or connect with me on Instagram.

Below are a couple of my most recent play pieces from my current art journal. Some I am making with ease, others where I have been more playful or curious in my exploration.

Finally, wherever you are in the world today, Reader, I hope you can take a moment to breathe deeply and fully, and if nothing else, I hope you feel a sense of connection to me, as I am thinking of you too xox.

Until soon.

With Kindness,
Delphie Joy xox

PS: Reader, I know trying something new like the Play Group can feel overwhelming, like joining a gym; you want to make it work, but a whole bunch of things need to happen to ensure you get the most out of it... I have supported many people in finding ways to make this work for them, so do reach out if it's something you have been considering but have things getting in your way of trying! Reply and let's chat!

PPS: If you love volunteering, please send me an email and let me know what your jam is!!

Delphie Joy

Lettering Artist✨Surface Design✨Creative Mentor (she/her) 🤗 A warm, creative hug 👩🏻‍🎨 Helping you reignite your creativity through play + self expression 💃🏻 Mother of 4

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