One whole year + an invitation

Dearest Reader,

Last week I realised I had been running my Permission to Play Members Group for a whole 12 months.

Wow!!🤩 A whole year of this beautiful community group! I'm so proud of us all!

To all the folks inside the group who have joined and shown up for yourself, your community and your creativity, what a treat it has been to share this space with you.

If you have been wondering what this group is that I mention when I email, PTP is a space for:

✅ revitalising creativity

✅ observation, noticing, responding

✅ social connection

✅ protecting mental health

✅ fostering creative thinking

✅ practising mindfulness

✅ building confidence in art making

✅ stimulating senses

✅ learning and unlearning

✅ prioritising play, wonder and joy

✅ community connection

Whilst this group is all about creativity and making art, it is not an art class, it’s a space for exploration and wonder and connection.

***If you want to give Permission to Play a try for yourself, reach out for a free trial. Our next live play session is this weekend and pjs and bras are totally optional!***

Creating a safe space is essential for people who haven't played in a long time, as it provides the security they need to share themselves with us. I ensure this welcoming environment when you join.

Now, if you are ready to give this a go, I have an extra offer! (I always feel like I am selling knives for $4 when I say that) but anyhoo, this next month of June, if you join the group you will get the choice of a 1:1 mentoring session with me for 45 mins (value $350) OR FREE access to the first class of the Play Your Way program as a little extra gift to yourself for prioritising your creativity and yourself.


I hope that this week you find some resistance to the profit making, production machine that our society has created by nurturing yourself in some creative, joyful play and connection.

If you are keen to join the Permission to Play group, follow the link, or hit reply with any questions.

With Curiosity and Kindness,
Delphie Joy xox

PS, if you have questions about the group or are in a team or corporate group who might benefit from these creativity and mental health sessions, please reach out as I have many ways I can work with your group.


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Delphie Joy

Lettering Artist✨Surface Design✨Creative Mentor (she/her) 🤗 A warm, creative hug 👩🏻‍🎨 Helping you reignite your creativity through play + self expression 💃🏻 Mother of 4

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